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RANGE Pricing Menu
Open Range - $35 per lane
Come and shoot all day at ​all of our primary ranges (handgun, rifle, & rimfire ranges)
lane share - $20 add-on
adds an additional shooter to an open range lane
max of 3 total shooters per lane​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Steel gong/ segmented gong - $10 Lane add-on
Rifle Range lanes 5 and 6 only​
M855 (green tip) Ammunition not allowed
Steel reactive pistol pit - $20 Lane add-on
numerous steel targets, including a Texas star, hostage, and dueling tree​
Pistol caliber carbines and calibers up to .45 are allowed

Annual Membership - $300 / year
Grants full access to use any of the facility's primary ranges (rifle, handgun, and rimfire) during open business hours.
Good for one calendar year from date of purchase.
50% discount on lane share add-on for guests of members.
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