1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
2. Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
4. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
5. Know your target and what lies beyond.
Range rules
1. Proper eye and ear protection must always be worn in the range area.
2. All Federal, state, and local firearm laws must be obeyed.
3. Shooting from the prone position or kneeling position is prohibited, except for designated areas.
4. Only one active shooter per lane. Up to three shooters may share a lane.
5. Firearms not on the firing line must be unloaded.
6. Guns/magazines may only be handled on the range.
7. Range Safety Officers have the right to inspect any firearms or ammunition at any time.
8. Shooters must complete and sign the Gun Range RELEASE, WAIVER, HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFICATION AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT before using the Range.
9. Rapid fire is allowed from a fixed and resting position only, and under supervision by an RSO.
10. Fully automatic weapons are allowed, but must be tethered in place and supervised by an RSO.
11. Smoking in designated areas only.
12. Pistol calibers only are permitted on the pistol ranges.
13. Shotgun slugs, buckshot, and birdshot are allowed.
14. Tracer, incendiary, Dragon’s Breath, armor piercing, and steel bullets of any kind are strictly prohibited. Shooters caught shooting steel bullets may be banned.
15. Firing a shot on the Range that results in the bullet striking anything other than the target and/or backstop, may result in a repair fine of $100 and/or your removal from the range.
16. Commands issued by Range Officers and Range Personnel must be immediately obeyed without question.
17. If the command “CEASE FIRE” is given: stop shooting immediately, remove your finger from the trigger, remove magazine, clear firearm, place the firearm on the bench. Step back from the shooting booth and wait for further instructions from the RSO.
18. No one other than Gun Range personnel may go forward of the firing line unless authorized or instructed to do so by the Range Safety Officer.
19. When the line is declared “COLD,” all firearms must be safely grounded (action open and magazine removed), and all shooters must step away from the firing line. Absolutely no firearm handling, unloaded or otherwise, will occur while the line is “COLD.”
20. Loading magazines while the line is “COLD” is allowed from the rear bench.
21. Shooters may only use approved paper/cardboard targets.
22. Shooters may only shoot targets on their assigned lane.
23. Only firing by aiming through firearm sights onto a target is permitted.
24. No holster draws allowed on the main handgun range. If a shooter wants to practice holster draw, talk to an RSO. Additional fees may apply.
25. You may collect your own brass that is inside your stall and behind the firing line. Brass from other shooters and all brass that falls in front of the firing line may not be collected.
26. Shooters may collect their brass during a “COLD” range only.
27. Pregnant and nursing women may enter the range at their discretion.
28. Children accompanied by an adult must be at least 10 years old to enter the rifle and pistol ranges.
29. Children accompanied by an adult must be at least 7 years old to enter the .22 rimfire range.
30. All minors, regardless of age, must be accompanied by an adult, at all times. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a ban from the range.
31. Visitors may not stand or sit on the shooting benches.​